Led by a seasoned altar server, Cyril Mendez, from a group of 5 volunteer students, the altar servers at the Patronage of Mary Development School has now a total of 19 and still growing. Guided by the motto “Duc in Altum” (put out into the deep), the altar servers can understand their mission and deepen their commitment to serve God through the Eucharist and other religious activities.
The school’s active involvement in Church’s activities allowed the altar servers to serve during masses, processions, station of the cross, and the like.
Recently, during the visit of the pilgrim relics of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the altar servers of PMDS took an active role in the welcoming and sending off activities, not to mention the masses and other religious activities that they engaged in while the relics were in Boljoon, Cebu.
Under the guidance of Teacher Michael Cañada, the altar servers are involved in the preparations of the mass items such as ensuring that the chalice, cruets, paten, and ciborium are clean as well as the clean and well-pressed linens. They are also involved in the preparation of the readings and the entire preparation of the mass.
As young children and adolescents, the sense of belongingness, friendship, sense of purpose, and the “bread and pancit” served after the mass by Mommy Inday is the motivations why they keep on serving.
At the moment, these motivations are shallow from the human perspective but the God whom they are serving is well-pleased for they have been generous with their time and talent to serve on the holy altar of God.
Campus Ministry president and leader of the altar servers has this to say, “I see the essential social dimensions of faith through other people as an altar server. It helps me to nurture my spiritual being and enhance my faithfulness to my creator every time the mass is celebrated.”
Like many altar servers and volunteers of the Campus Ministry, Cyril Mendez believes that his involvement in religious activities has become his platform to promote solidarity and faith in God. “This ministry is a tool to nurture my faith to get closer to the Almighty God, the source of my life and the reason for my existence”, he quipped.